String Handling & Wrapper Classes
It allows an application to break a string into tokens(words).
"Welcome to Java" is a one string and it has 3 tokens(words).
public StringTokenizer(String);
public boolean hasMoreTokens();
=>It returns true if the token is present, otherwise returns false
public String nextToken();
=>It returns current token and moves the cursor to next token.
public int countTokens();
=>It returns no. of tokens.
Program to count the no. of words:
import java.util.*;
class Demo
public static void main(String args[])
String s="Welcome to Sathya Technologies";
StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(s);
int n=st.countTokens();
Program to iterate word by word in a given string:
import java.util.*;
class Demo
public static void main(String args[])
String s="Welcome to Sathya Technologies";
StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(s);
It allows an application to break a string into tokens(words).
"Welcome to Java" is a one string and it has 3 tokens(words).
public StringTokenizer(String);
public boolean hasMoreTokens();
=>It returns true if the token is present, otherwise returns false
public String nextToken();
=>It returns current token and moves the cursor to next token.
public int countTokens();
=>It returns no. of tokens.
Program to count the no. of words:
import java.util.*;
class Demo
public static void main(String args[])
String s="Welcome to Sathya Technologies";
StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(s);
int n=st.countTokens();
Program to iterate word by word in a given string:
import java.util.*;
class Demo
public static void main(String args[])
String s="Welcome to Sathya Technologies";
StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(s);
Command Line Arguments:
Ø The arguments that are passed at the command prompt are called command line arguments.
Ø Command line arguments are received by main method only.
Ø The arguments are received string format only.
1) class Demo
public static void main(String args[])
for(String s : args)
2) class Demo
public static void main(String args[])
To run the above application:
C:\> java Demo Taj Mahal
Output: TajMahal
C:\> java Demo 10 20
Output: 1020 because command line arguments are received as a string format only.
To convert string format to other formats we need wrapper classes.
Wrapper Classes:
Each of Java’s 8 primitive data types has a class and those classes are called wrapper classes because they wrap the data into an object.
List of primitive data types:
1) byte 2) short 3) int 4) long 5) float 6) double 7) char 8) boolean
List of wrapper classes:
1) Byte 2) Short 3) Integer 4) Long 5) Float 6) Double 7) Character 8) Boolean
class Demo
public static void main(String args[])
int x=Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
int y=Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
To run the above application:
C:\> java Demo 10 20
Output: 30
To covert primitive type to reference type
int a=5;
Integer i=new Integer(a);
To covert reference type to primitive type:
Integer i=new Integer(5);
int x=i.intValue();
Auto boxing:
The process of converting primitive type to the corresponding reference type is known as auto boxing.
int x=5;
Integer i=x; => It is called as auto boxing
Auto unboxing:
The process of converting reference type to the corresponding primitive type is known as auto unboxing.
Integer i=new Integer(5);
int x=i; => it is called as auto unboxing.
Both auto boxing and auto unboxing features are introduced in JDK 1.5 verion in 2004.
1) Write a program to convert byte array into a String and display by using the following constructor of String class:
public String(byte[]);
2) Write a program to convert char array into a String and display by using the following constructor of String class:
public String(char[]);
3) Write a program to convert String into a byte array and display by using the following method of String class:
public byte[] getBytes();
4) Write a program to convert String into a char array and display by using the following method of String class:
public char[] toCharaArray();
5) Write a program to concatinate two strings by using the following method:
public String concat(String);
1) Write a program to check whether given file is java file or not by using the following method of String class.
public boolean endsWith(String);
2) Write a program to check whether given string starts with alphabet A or not by using the following method of String class.
public boolean startsWith(String);
3) Write a program to count the no. of words in a given string by using the following constructor & method.
public StringTokenizer(String);
public int countTokens();
4) Write a program to iterate word by word in a given string by using the following constructor & methods.
public StringTokenizer();
public boolean hasMoreTokens();
public String nextToken();
1) Write a program to check whether given file is java file or not by using the following method of String class.
public boolean endsWith(String);
2) Write a program to check whether given string starts with alphabet A or not by using the following method of String class.
public boolean startsWith(String);
3) Write a program to count the no. of words in a given string by using the following constructor & method.
public StringTokenizer(String);
public int countTokens();
4) Write a program to iterate word by word in a given string by using the following constructor & methods.
public StringTokenizer();
public boolean hasMoreTokens();
public String nextToken();
Sir include string tokenzier topic sir
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